2024-01-27 22:10:28 +08:00
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2024-03-02 09:55:58 +08:00
< title > Generate License< / title >
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2024-01-28 17:42:20 +08:00
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2024-01-27 22:10:28 +08:00
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2024-01-28 17:42:20 +08:00
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2024-01-27 22:10:28 +08:00
< main class = "px-6 z-grid py-10" style = "--space: 20rem; --gutter: 3.5rem" >
2024-01-28 16:42:42 +08:00
< article class = "card" data-product = "IntelliJ IDEA" data-product-codes = "II,PCWMP,PSI" >
2024-01-27 22:10:28 +08:00
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< hr / >
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< div class = "pd-6 overflow-hidden bg-card container radius-1" >
< h1 class = "truncate truncate-1 color-primary mt-0 overflow-ellipsis" title = 'IntelliJ IDEA' > IntelliJ
IDEA< / h1 >
< p title = "Click to copy full license text" class = "truncate text-sm text-grey" onclick = "copyLicense(this)"
data-content="Copy to clipboard">
< / p >
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< / article >
2024-01-28 16:42:42 +08:00
< article class = "card" data-product = "PhpStorm" data-product-codes = "PS,PCWMP,PSI" >
2024-01-27 22:10:28 +08:00
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< div class = "pd-6 overflow-hidden bg-card container radius-1" >
< h1 class = "truncate truncate-1 color-primary mt-0 overflow-ellipsis" title = 'PhpStorm' > PhpStorm< / h1 >
< p title = "Click to copy full license text" class = "truncate text-sm text-grey" onclick = "copyLicense(this)"
data-content="Copy to clipboard">
< / p >
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< / article >
2024-01-28 16:42:42 +08:00
< article class = "card" data-product = "AppCode" data-product-codes = "AC,PCWMP,PSI" >
2024-01-27 22:10:28 +08:00
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< hr / >
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< div class = "pd-6 overflow-hidden bg-card container radius-1" >
< h1 class = "truncate truncate-1 color-primary mt-0 overflow-ellipsis" title = 'AppCode' > AppCode< / h1 >
< p title = "Click to copy full license text" class = "truncate text-sm text-grey" onclick = "copyLicense(this)"
data-content="Copy to clipboard">
< / p >
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< div class = "mask" > < / div >
< div class = "mask mask-c-1" > < / div >
< / article >
2024-01-28 16:42:42 +08:00
< article class = "card" data-product = "DataGrip" data-product-codes = "DB,PSI,PDB" >
2024-01-27 22:10:28 +08:00
< header >
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< hr / >
< / header >
< div class = "pd-6 overflow-hidden bg-card container radius-1" >
< h1 class = "truncate truncate-1 color-primary mt-0 overflow-ellipsis" title = 'DataGrip' > DataGrip< / h1 >
< p title = "Click to copy full license text" class = "truncate text-sm text-grey" onclick = "copyLicense(this)"
data-content="Copy to clipboard">
< / p >
< / div >
< div class = "mask" > < / div >
< div class = "mask mask-c-1" > < / div >
< / article >
2024-01-28 16:42:42 +08:00
< article class = "card" data-product = "RubyMine" data-product-codes = "RM,PCWMP,PSI" >
2024-01-27 22:10:28 +08:00
< header >
< div class = "flex items-center justify-between px-6 pt-1 pb-0 bg-card radius-1" >
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< hr / >
< / header >
< div class = "pd-6 overflow-hidden bg-card container radius-1" >
< h1 class = "truncate truncate-1 color-primary mt-0 overflow-ellipsis" title = 'RubyMine' > RubyMine< / h1 >
< p title = "Click to copy full license text" class = "truncate text-sm text-grey" onclick = "copyLicense(this)"
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< / p >
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< / article >
2024-01-28 16:42:42 +08:00
< article class = "card" data-product = "WebStorm" data-product-codes = "WS,PCWMP,PSI" >
2024-01-27 22:10:28 +08:00
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< hr / >
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< div class = "pd-6 overflow-hidden bg-card container radius-1" >
< h1 class = "truncate truncate-1 color-primary mt-0 overflow-ellipsis" title = 'WebStorm' > WebStorm< / h1 >
< p title = "Click to copy full license text" class = "truncate text-sm text-grey" onclick = "copyLicense(this)"
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< / article >
2024-01-28 16:42:42 +08:00
< article class = "card" data-product = "Rider" data-product-codes = "RD,PDB,PSI,PCWMP" >
2024-01-27 22:10:28 +08:00
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< hr / >
< / header >
< div class = "pd-6 overflow-hidden bg-card container radius-1" >
< h1 class = "truncate truncate-1 color-primary mt-0 overflow-ellipsis" title = 'Rider' > Rider< / h1 >
< p title = "Click to copy full license text" class = "truncate text-sm text-grey" onclick = "copyLicense(this)"
data-content="Copy to clipboard">
< / p >
< / div >
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< / article >
2024-01-28 16:42:42 +08:00
< article class = "card" data-product = "CLion" data-product-codes = "CL,PSI,PCWMP" >
2024-01-27 22:10:28 +08:00
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< hr / >
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< div class = "pd-6 overflow-hidden bg-card container radius-1" >
< h1 class = "truncate truncate-1 color-primary mt-0 overflow-ellipsis" title = 'CLion' > CLion< / h1 >
< p title = "Click to copy full license text" class = "truncate text-sm text-grey" onclick = "copyLicense(this)"
data-content="Copy to clipboard">
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< / article >
2024-01-28 16:42:42 +08:00
< article class = "card" data-product = "PyCharm" data-product-codes = "PC,PSI,PCWMP" >
2024-01-27 22:10:28 +08:00
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< div class = "pd-6 overflow-hidden bg-card container radius-1" >
< h1 class = "truncate truncate-1 color-primary mt-0 overflow-ellipsis" title = 'PyCharm' > PyCharm< / h1 >
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data-content="Copy to clipboard">
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< / article >
2024-01-28 16:42:42 +08:00
< article class = "card" data-product = "GoLand" data-product-codes = "GO,PSI,PCWMP" >
2024-01-27 22:10:28 +08:00
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< hr / >
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< div class = "pd-6 overflow-hidden bg-card container radius-1" >
< h1 class = "truncate truncate-1 color-primary mt-0 overflow-ellipsis" title = 'GoLand' > GoLand< / h1 >
< p title = "Click to copy full license text" class = "truncate text-sm text-grey" onclick = "copyLicense(this)"
data-content="Copy to clipboard">
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< / article >
2024-01-28 16:42:42 +08:00
< article class = "card" data-product = "DataSpell" data-product-codes = "DS,PSI,PDB,PCWMP" >
2024-01-27 22:10:28 +08:00
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< div class = "pd-6 overflow-hidden bg-card container radius-1" >
< h1 class = "truncate truncate-1 color-primary mt-0 overflow-ellipsis" title = 'DataSpell' > DataSpell< / h1 >
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2024-01-28 16:42:42 +08:00
< article class = "card" data-product = "dotCover" data-product-codes = "DC" >
2024-01-27 22:10:28 +08:00
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< h1 class = "truncate truncate-1 color-primary mt-0 overflow-ellipsis" title = 'dotCover' > dotCover< / h1 >
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2024-01-28 16:42:42 +08:00
< article class = "card" data-product = "dotTrace" data-product-codes = "DPN,DP" >
2024-01-27 22:10:28 +08:00
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< h1 class = "truncate truncate-1 color-primary mt-0 overflow-ellipsis" title = 'dotTrace' > dotTrace< / h1 >
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2024-01-28 16:42:42 +08:00
< article class = "card" data-product = "dotMemory" data-product-codes = "DM" >
2024-01-27 22:10:28 +08:00
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< div class = "pd-6 overflow-hidden bg-card container radius-1" >
< h1 class = "truncate truncate-1 color-primary mt-0 overflow-ellipsis" title = 'dotMemory' > dotMemory< / h1 >
< p title = "Click to copy full license text" class = "truncate text-sm text-grey" onclick = "copyLicense(this)"
data-content="Copy to clipboard">
< / p >
< / div >
< div class = "mask" > < / div >
< div class = "mask mask-c-1" > < / div >
< / article >
< / main >
< footer class = "flex items-center justify-between" >
< div class = "text-sm text-grey" > Theme by QieTuZai< / div >
2024-04-05 09:53:00 +08:00
< div class = "text-sm text-grey" >
< button class = "jetbra-button" onclick = "showLicenseForm()" > Refill licensee information< / button >
< / div >
2024-01-27 22:10:28 +08:00
< div class = "text-sm text-grey" > Copy from ja-netfilter< / div >
< / footer >
2024-04-05 09:53:00 +08:00
< div id = "mask"
style="position:fixed;top:0;left:0;z-index:998;width:100%;height:100%;display:none;background-color:#000;opacity:0.5;overflow:hidden;">< / div >
2024-01-28 17:42:20 +08:00
< div id = "form" style = "position:fixed;top:20%;left:40%;width:40%;height:500px;z-index:999;display:none;" >
< div class = "form" >
< div class = "title" > Welcome< / div >
< div class = "subtitle" > Please enter licensee information< / div >
< div class = "input-container ic1" >
< input id = "licenseeName" class = "input" type = "text" placeholder = " " value = "Test only" / >
< div class = "cut" > < / div >
< label for = "licenseeName" class = "placeholder" > licenseeName< / label >
< / div >
< div class = "input-container ic2" >
< input id = "assigneeName" class = "input" type = "text" placeholder = " " value = "Test only" / >
< div class = "cut" > < / div >
< label for = "assigneeName" class = "placeholder" > assigneeName< / label >
< / div >
< div class = "input-container ic2" >
2024-03-02 09:55:58 +08:00
< input id = "expiryDate" class = "input" type = "text" placeholder = "" value = "2026-12-31" / >
2024-01-28 17:42:20 +08:00
< div class = "cut cut-short" > < / div >
< label for = "expiryDate" class = "placeholder" > expiryDate< / label >
< / div >
2024-04-05 09:53:00 +08:00
< button class = "submit" onclick = "submitLicenseInfo(this)" > submit< / button >
2024-01-28 17:42:20 +08:00
< / div >
< / div >
< script >
if (localStorage.getItem('licenseInfo') === null) {
document.getElementById('mask').style.display = 'block'
document.getElementById('form').style.display = 'block'
window.submitLicenseInfo = function () {
let licenseeName = document.getElementById('licenseeName').value
let assigneeName = document.getElementById('assigneeName').value
let expiryDate = document.getElementById('expiryDate').value
let licenseInfo = {
licenseeName: licenseeName,
assigneeName: assigneeName,
expiryDate: expiryDate
localStorage.setItem('licenseInfo', JSON.stringify(licenseInfo))
document.getElementById('mask').style.display = 'none'
document.getElementById('form').style.display = 'none'
2024-03-02 09:55:58 +08:00
window.showLicenseForm = function () {
let licenseInfo = localStorage.getItem('licenseInfo');
if (licenseInfo !== null) {
licenseInfo = JSON.parse(licenseInfo)
document.getElementById('licenseeName').value = licenseInfo.licenseeName
document.getElementById('assigneeName').value = licenseInfo.assigneeName
document.getElementById('expiryDate').value = licenseInfo.expiryDate
2024-04-05 09:53:00 +08:00
} else {
2024-03-02 09:55:58 +08:00
document.getElementById('licenseeName').value = 'Test only'
document.getElementById('assigneeName').value = 'Test only'
document.getElementById('expiryDate').value = '2026-12-31'
document.getElementById('mask').style.display = 'block'
document.getElementById('form').style.display = 'block'
2024-01-28 17:42:20 +08:00
< / script >
2024-01-27 22:10:28 +08:00
< script >
2024-04-05 09:53:00 +08:00
const pemEncodedKey = `-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
-----END PRIVATE KEY-----`;
const pemEncodedCrt = `-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
function pem2base64(pem) {
return pem.split('\n').reduce((base64, line) => line.includes("--") ? base64 : base64 + line, '');
function arrayBufferToBase64(buffer) {
return btoa([...new Uint8Array(buffer)].map(b => String.fromCharCode(b)).join(''));
function base64ToArrayBuffer(base64) {
return Uint8Array.from(atob(base64), c => c.charCodeAt(0)).buffer;
function genLicenseId() {
return Array.from({length: 10}, () => {
let idx = Math.floor(Math.random() * CHARSET.length);
return CHARSET[idx];
2024-01-28 17:42:20 +08:00
2024-06-20 07:01:12 +00:00
function buildLicensePartJson(products, licenseId,licenseInfo) {
2024-04-05 09:53:00 +08:00
return JSON.stringify({
"licenseId": licenseId,
2024-06-20 07:01:12 +00:00
"licenseeName": licenseInfo.licenseeName,
"assigneeName": licenseInfo.assigneeName,
2024-04-05 09:53:00 +08:00
"assigneeEmail": "",
"licenseRestriction": "",
"checkConcurrentUse": false,
"products": products,
"metadata": "0120230102PPAA013009",
"hash": "41472961/0:1563609451",
"gracePeriodDays": 7,
"autoProlongated": true,
"isAutoProlongated": true
window.copyLicense = async function (e) {
2024-01-28 17:42:20 +08:00
while (localStorage.getItem('licenseInfo') === null) {
document.getElementById('mask').style.display = 'block'
document.getElementById('form').style.display = 'block'
await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 1000));
2024-04-05 09:53:00 +08:00
let licenseInfo = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('licenseInfo'))
2024-01-28 16:42:42 +08:00
let codes = e.closest('.card').dataset.productCodes.split(',')
2024-01-27 22:10:28 +08:00
let products = Array.from(codes).map((code) => {
2024-01-28 17:42:20 +08:00
return {
code: code,
fallbackDate: licenseInfo.expiryDate,
paidUpTo: licenseInfo.expiryDate
2024-01-27 22:10:28 +08:00
2024-04-05 09:53:00 +08:00
let licenseId = genLicenseId()
2024-06-20 07:01:12 +00:00
let licensePartJson = buildLicensePartJson(products, licenseId,licenseInfo)
2024-04-05 09:53:00 +08:00
let privateKey = await window.crypto.subtle.importKey("pkcs8", base64ToArrayBuffer(pem2base64(pemEncodedKey)), {
name: "RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5", hash: "SHA-1",
}, true, ["sign"]);
let licensePartBase64 = btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(licensePartJson)));
let sigResultsBase64 = arrayBufferToBase64(await window.crypto.subtle.sign("RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5", privateKey, new TextEncoder().encode(licensePartJson)));
let cert_base64 = pem2base64(pemEncodedCrt);
2024-01-27 22:10:28 +08:00
.then(() => {
alert("The activation code has been copied to your clipboard");
2024-04-05 09:54:44 +08:00
2024-01-27 22:10:28 +08:00
< / script >
< / body >
< / html >